Dwaraka : An Immersive VR Storytelling Experience

Dwaraka is an immersive VR experience told in the form of a graphic novel.
Drawing inspiration from artists and writers like Alan Moore, Hokusai and Shinichiro Watanabe, along with elements from Indian mythology, I have created a graphic narrative based on a poem and presented it as an immersive VR experience using the VR 3D painting and animation tool Oculus Quill.
Research and development has been done on Virtual reality as a story telling medium, on how to engage audiences in VR and on creating a compelling original story that creates a lasting impression in its audiences.
All footage in the trailer is as seen by the viewer in Oculus Rift.
It is based on the comic I created by the same name
Publication Link : https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/all_theses/3326/

A Trailer for the VR Experience